Your Websites contained valuable information about what you do and sometimes more valuable than the money you have. Because you can struggle to earn money anywhere but some important files and records cannot found anywhere. Some files cannot be retrieved forever. The resources used to gather all the information, like time, funds, sleepless nights, and technical personnel involved, cannot be easy to have the same chance to have the whole thing at a time.

To have some data back, you have to struggle for many weeks, months, or years of exercise. You can save your grief by making multiple backups as there is no single backup that is 100% reliable. To have a backup on your site is GOOD, to have multiple backups is BETTER and to have multiple backups at different locations or regions is the BEST. You may have a Virus infection, Hardware failure, or server crash, backup is the only convenient solution.

Making backup whenever you want to make updates before and after any physical changes backup is necessary if you want to secure your site and files.

We are making a backup on our servers after 48 hours, weekly and monthly backup. if you have to make any changes on your site, be it installations, uninstalling, uploading new files or downloading or deleting, make sure you make a backup before and after any activities. with such precaution, you can reverse any changes easily as well as updating your backup with recent or additional data.

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