You can update all the DNS records from the Cpanel, the Cname, A records, MX records, TXT records and all.

To update any of these records you have to log in to the Cpanel, under domains there is Advanced DNS Zone Editor and Simple DNS Zone Editor.

From Advanced DNS Zone Editor you have a form to fill and submit, it contained name; TTL; Type, and Address.

Name: is the hostname given.

TTL: is a time to leave values, always a number.

Type: is the type of record to update, be it A records, Cname, Mx record, or such.

Address: is the value and always a name like or as an example of blog.

You can make the same update to map your site to an IP on Simple DNS Zone Editor.

Note that you may have different records and values or multiple records, all can be added but the same records cannot be added. And if you don't know what you are updating, you better take the Simple DNS Zone Editor to avoid error as the Advanced DNS Zone Editor allows editing existing records.

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